African music mix

A little change from the usual. Given that my modest skill set includes many years of DJing, I thought I’d let music rather than words do the talking for once . So, here you are, 1hr 20 mins of dance music both from or rooted in Africa. Just click on the link below Here’s the set list with track start times for anyone who’s interested Montparnasse Musique feat. Kasai All-stars – Painter 3m55s Sol Power All-stars – Zibodub 6m30s…

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The shop art of Benin

Although modern forms of art and design are being used more and more, the traditional hand painted signs for shops are still common in much of Africa. Benin has largely retained the distinctly African style of commercial shop painting developed during the last century, whereas in Ivory Coast for example, you see a lot more work that seeks to portray people and objects in an overtly realistic fashion, as is more typical in the West. Although some would describe the…

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A brief tale of Covid priorities in Africa

What Africans have been telling me about Covid this year The arrival of the Omicron variant has finally, although rather unfairly, brought some of the focus in the pandemic onto Africa. There is at least now more discussion of the inequalities in the system that is putting profit before people, leaving Africans at the bottom of the vaccine supply chain. Having spent this year living in Africa and I ought to add, living with Africans, entirely disconnected from any expat…

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What is really happening in Tigray, Ethiopia

  The first thing you need to know is that anyone who tells you they know exactly what is going on in Tigray and northern Ethiopia is probably not the sort of person you should be listening to. If you’ve been paying at least passing attention to events you’ll know that there has been fighting between the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Ethiopian Army since last November. Numerous accusations of crimes against humanity and human rights abuses have…

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A short tale of Brexit Britain vs Africa rising in one small package

  Any brief glance of current British headlines will confirm that my sorry excuse for a nation is taking a headlong dive back to the 1970s, at least economically speaking, there remains the stubborn refusal of flares to come back into fashion. Politically speaking, the 1870s seem more of a guiding light for our government, bathed in its imperial arrogance and racist entitlement. Apologies of course to the Welsh and Scots who bear little responsibility for the almighty clusterfuck Brexit…

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Village life in Ivory Coast

  Why would you want to stay in an African village in a country like the Ivory Coast? There’s little immediately evident appeal: no big sights to see; limited or no electricity and certainly no plumbing –  your shower will come out of a bucket and if you want a crap you’ll have to squat over a pungent hole in a dingy shack that’s steaming hot in the day and roach infested at night; you’ll get to sleep on an…

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Fasting for Ramadan in West Africa

Learning what its like fasting for Ramadan, living with a Muslim family in West Africa

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Africa in five pictures

Five positive things about Africa in five images. Only a fool would try to summarise the glorious variety of African culture in just five ways but there are some common themes you can find throughout sub Saharan Africa. All too often discussion of the continent revolves around negative issues, so I would like to concentrate on some of the many positive aspects that the media tends to ignore.  I’ve left out North Africa from this piece as it’s culturally distinct…

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Africa as a destination for history

Apart from North Africa the continent is rarely seen as a destination for lovers of history, that needs to change. Like me you’re probably enduring the interminable state of lockdown, wondering when it will ever end, perpetually scrolling through social media in search of more crumbs of distraction. Well, help is at hand travel fans. The BBC have kindly posted to YouTube a fifteen part documentary on the history of Africa that will comfortably use up over eleven hours of…

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Biker babes of Burkina Faso

Motorbikes, Muslims, fashion and the modern woman in Burkina Faso.   When your brain does a Google image search on the terms Muslim women, African women or African Muslim women, what comes to mind?  I won’t be so presumptuous to think that my regular readers are the kind of people to jump immediately to the stereotypes of poverty and oppression, or at the very least to move on from them after a moment’s reflection – after all there are many…

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