The city of Cochabamba in Bolivia decided to make public transport a lot more visually stimulating for its people by splashing a load of colourful paintwork all over its buses. You have to wonder why more places don’t try something similar as its a great advert for the place and helps liven up the daily commute.
Using some traditional design ideas brought up to date with modern stylings, the buses are highly distinctive but each driver has added their own personal touches. Windsreens are usually adorned with the driver’s name or dedications to holy figures, like Jesus and Jean Claude Van Damme. The three side windows always have a trio of words in them: extolling the virtues of their service or the almighty; the driver’s attitude to life or a philosopical/theological statement.
Check out some examples below.

The Airwolf offers safety, elegance and comfort

I think we can assume that this one is driven by Mr Hector Hugo

Crazy, rebellious, passionate: three words you are unlikely to ever see applied to any English bus driver

Similar sentiments here but adventurous instead of rebellious

Captain Jupiter – a lesser known super-hero

La Naver del Placer pleasure (I think), Alex Andre is obviously a hit with the girls